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At TOG We Are Doing Some Amazing Things with Voice Analytics!

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Great article in Forbes Magazine about the power of Voice Analytics. At TOG we utilize Voice Analytics to enhance the overall agent and customer experience in an effort to create the best brand ambassadors possible!


Source: Forbes Magazine, August 8, 2016

The customer service agent on the other end of the phone may seem oblivious to your growing ire, but the computer recording your call isn’t. More and more, companies are using the science of voice analytics to gain insight into customer interactions, identification even lie detection.

Up until relatively recently, a computer that could accurately understand spoken words seemed like science fiction. Then we entered the age of shouting at automated menus when we phoned a customer service line and receiving the ubiquitous, “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand that,” in response.

Today, voice analysis can go way beyond understanding what we say — past even what humans are able to reliably detect. What is possible today is not only to understand, and translate the spoken words into text, but analyze for things like stress levels, lies, and more.

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About The Office Gurus

The Office Gurus® has risen to become one of the leading global BPO companies. Businesses in all industries find that in-house call centers and customer service teams can be expensive and time consuming to manage. We offer custom solutions through our call center outsourcing services and customer service outsourcing technology. One of our priorities is to make the process as seamless as possible by implementing superior customer support outsourcing solutions that will keep your business operations streamlined and your customers happy.